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Breckenridge Music Festival

This Rocky Mountain resort town may be known throughout the world for it’s adrenaline-soaked ski slopes, but it is the cultural thrills that bring summertime visitors here.

Music played in the mountains becomes a living thing. Nowhere is this more true than in Breckenridge, Colorado, home of the Breckenridge Music Festival. Whether you’ve been to hundreds of concerts in your lifetime or only a few, the festival is dedicated to hosting the kind of musical experiences you never forget.


Originally a small mountain town filled with ambitious gold miners, Breckenridge was developed to become Colorado’s first ski town over 50 years ago. Since then, it has grown into a popular resort area for elite athletes and refined culture enthusiasts alike. Despite its reputation as a world-class skiing and snowboarding destination, it has maintained its independent spirit, and the arts have thrived here.

The Breckenridge Music Festival began in 1980, when a group of residents decided to put on a classical music festival to celebrate a community anniversary. It was so well received that they decided to make the festival an annual affair. From these simple beginnings, the festival has grown to include a year-rou

nd program of cultural events, with an abiding love of music at its heart. The Encore Winter Series is followed by the Blue River Series, the Tuesday Series by the Festival Orchestra and the Champagne Series, which round out the summer calendar.

Before your concert, spend some time wandering at your leisure down Main Street, into century-old buildings transformed into upscale shops and taverns. Stop for a moment to appreciate the rushing Blue River, still swollen from winter’s melting snowfall, before you head toward the Riverwalk Center, the main concert venue. The spectacular Rocky Mountains – with snow still clinging to the manicured slopes – provide an inspiring and humbling backdrop to the experience. Here are a few highlights from this summer’s Breckenridge Festival:

Festival Orchestra Series

The Festival Orchestra is made up of outstanding musicians drawn to Breckenridge from professional orchestras all over the country. They make their homes in Summit County for the summer, and assemble on cool summer evenings to play for happy crowds. The selection of classical pieces are intended to be enjoyed in a much more casual setting than the stuffy, fashion-conscious performance halls of major metropoles. At least one concert every summer is intended to be a family event, when you have the opportunity to gather your loved ones together on a picnic blanket next to the river and share your love of good music.

Blue River Series

A variety of regional and national performing artists entertain lively crowds with their unique musical styles in the Blue River Series. While waiting to hear Blues and Bluegrass, Celtic, Jazz , Country & Western, Zydeco, Reggae, Folk Americana, and other acts, the atmosphere hums with excitement even before the first note is played. An informal dress code and drinks served from a bar in the back encourage you to relax and enjoy the comfortable ambiance of summertime in the mountains at these come-as-you-are events.

Champagne Series

Throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries the French and British upper classes often hosted private concerts in their homes, inviting the very best musicians of the day to compose and play for their important guests and friends. The Champagne Series is based on that tradition, with chamber groups selecting the pieces they love most to play in the private homes of residents. The homes themselves are expansive, mountain-lodge style homes, with vaulted ceilings, and rich décor. A pre- and post-concert reception is a unique part of the experience where you can mingle with the musicians as you sip champagne and savor hors d’oeuvres. The performance itself is typically held in a grand room of the home looking out over breathtaking mountain scenery. These concerts are designed to be both intimate and impressive, and they are a perennial favorite with patrons.
Pro tip: If you can, listen to the performance pieces at least once before heading to a concert. Familiarity gives extra life to the music as you discover little nuances, making the experience more memorable.


*Originally Published in Luxury Retreats Magazine

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